Oct 28, 2008

dissapointed??useless??idiot??failure?? usual...i still nit to continue the stuffy life,i woke up and took a bath.Once again,im blur again.Brain keep thinking negatif stuff.Thing no need to be vexed but i also worry about..Next week is final exam,i have no mood to study.How come during final exam gt so many matter happen on me??What m i doing?? comment....

I walk down to caffee shop to have my lunch,on the way,i saw a shadow..that shadow is be familiar wif me and i know well about him..He is the guy which...

*selfish??ya..i agree,i think he is not helpful as you ppl think,mayb due of some reason o benefit,he just will lend a hand to you..
*talk without consider other people feeling..He don't give a shit on people feeling,just talk what he have in his mind..i think this is the main reason that people dislike him..yea!is right!!
*bear grudges?ya..definitely yes.if someone have provoke him,hoho..he will remember what u hv done to him..n,if can take revenge,he will do so..can imagine that de personality of him??dun been lie by his outward appearance..
*lack of self esteem??yea..dun ever try discuss thing wif him..he dun hv confident to say out the thing.Even he know the answer,due of lack confident,he not dare to talk it out..That's him!
*niggardly??gt..This totally got..he is kinda easy get angry de ppl.u never see him angry infront of u rite??u will get know well about him after u mix wif him long time and all his truth face will be show out too...
*fail to keep an appointment??hah!!for sure!he is this kind of matter how he promiss 1 person,act till can be trusted .At last,he also fail to keep apointment..when gt big trouble hapeen,he just realise or remember what he have done or promiss wif people..that time,is late to apologize too late....
*still gt wat?hmm..for sure..many till uncountable..i also lazy to list out his weakness..that's all!!

After i went into coffee shop,shadow disappear..I just realise that,the shadow that i mention just now is ME!!..ntg to say...i 100% agree about so so so dissapointed on myself.............

Leave me alone,
to drown in my self deprecation.
Let me blame myself,
for your sickening recital,
Let me sink into my personal oblivion,
where I can hate myself…

Who m i?m i useless??idiot??failure??..............................................